Monday, August 31, 2009

One minute Mondays . . .

Stealing an idea from the Dodge County boys, on Mondays I'm going to type whatever is on my mind, but only for one minute. No pictures, just my thoughts on whatever topic is rolling around in my head when I sit down at the computer. Today it's about barbecue. Imagine that. There are still three full months of barbecue left this year. I'll admit that I'm totally caught up in this damn team of the year points chase thing. I told myself that I'd never do that because I knew it would take the fun out of this whole deal for me. Well, it sort of has.

In addition to seeing the near future, Johnny Trigg and I are planning our 2010 cooking class schedule. With so much going on, it's hard to think about next year already. We're planning four events and we've nailed down the cities for three of them. One is still up in the air and we don't have actual locations for two of the three just yet. We're considering somewhere west. Maybe Salt Lake City or further. Not to sound arrogant, but if there isn't enough interest to support a class, then we're considering back east instead. If you are interest in either a class out west or a class back east, shoot me a note at Your contact could be the determining factor.

Finally, I'm considering a little trivia contest here on the blog. Stay tuned. I'm a fast typer, but my minute is almos