Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All Things Barbecue named a best barbecue blog

That's right readers, this blog has been named one of the fifty best blogs on barbecue by the Culinary Schools Guide.  Listed among a very distinguished list of bloggers, this humble little self promoting gem rubs elbows with some of the best and most active barbecue bloggers on the planet.  "It's a great honor to be recognized among the best barbecue blogs in the universe.  It's definitely a surprise and honestly, I'm rendered virtually speechless." said Rod Gray when asked about the award (man that was weird, since I'm the one typing this).  Anyway, check out the other bloggers at http://www.guidetoculinaryschools.com/best-bbq-blogs


Heath said...

How in the world were you able to track this Rod Gray guy down for a quote? You must have some series pull with him!!

Pellet Envy said...

It's definitely one of those "who you know" deals Heath.